Employment and Human Resources

买世界杯app推荐的人力资源部门致力于支持学院的使命, vision, and strategic objectives. 我们努力通过开发和实施实践来完成我们的使命, 平衡有效利用资源的程序和服务, while effectively assessing the needs of staff, faculty, and administrators. 人力资源部致力于吸引来自社区和国外的各种合格候选人. 请花点时间浏览我们的可用资源和就业机会.

Office Hours and Contact Information
Augusta Campus - Building 100
Monday - Thursday
8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Please allow 24-48 hours response time

Benefits & Resources



Required Postings

劳工部要求买世界杯app推荐张贴所附通知.  所要求的职位张贴在人力资源办公室和奥古斯塔校区的其他地点, in general locations of our off-campus instructional sites; as well as, attached to the Human Resources webpage.  In addition, these postings can also be found on the TCSG HR Forms page under Required Postings.